A Twist on Twitter

Twitter can be perplexing to anyone who has not figured it out.  The only way to explain it is to use analogies and then show someone how to make sense of it.

Even more challenging is trying to find a way to use Twitter to enhance your business.  Limited Scope Practice is no exception.

One option is to use Twitter to broadcast helpful tips and links to useful free resources on your website.  Another is to promote special pricing or events.

Or you could tell a story that illustrates what can happen if a legal matter gets out of control.

I have used Twitter to tell dramatic, real-life client stories (with the clients’ written consent, of course; though I still changed a lot for confidentiality’s sake).  One of those was picked up by a new, fantastic magazine, Characters.  I hope you will read the whole magazine, but at least look for “Jim’s Story.”  You can see that 140 characters can actually be plenty of space to work within.

Send me your novel ways of using technology to connect with your clients and I will feature some in future posts.

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